Sweet, Cookies, Cakes and Granola

Fluffy Croissants with Wild Filling


Fluffy Croissants with Wild Filling
Fluffy Croissants with Wild Filling


For the dough:

1 sachet of yeast & 3 tbsp. water & 1 tbsp. coconut sugar

300 g all purpose flour ideally sifted

120 g yogurt (I used soy strain)

80 ml coconut oil

30 ml Orange juice

1/2 banana

1 tbsp baking powder

2 tbsp coconut sugar

For the filling:

Hazelnut Butter Crunchy with Cocoa & Date

Apricot Jam 

Forest Fruit Jam 

For the topping:

3 tbsp vegetable milk

1 tbsp molasses


  1. Put the yeast, coconut sugar, water in a bowl and mix. Cover and set aside for 10-15 minutes to rise.
  2. Put the banana, yogurt and juice in the blender and puree.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Add the risen yeast, coconut oil, coconut sugar and baking powder. Stir with the wire, to melt the sugar.
  4. Gradually add the flour and mix, at first with a mixer and then by hand. The dough will be pliable, oily and not stick to the hand. If you have run out of flour, you can add 1-2 tbsp. coconut oil.
  5. Leave the dough in the bowl, for one hour, covered, to rise.
  6. When the dough has almost doubled in size, transfer it to counter and divide it into two parts.
  7. Make them in the shape of a ball and with a rolling pin roll out a sheet about 2 millimeters thick, in the shape of a circle.
  8. With the pizza cutter, cut into concentric circles and cut the base of each circle in half.
  9. Put some of the filling on top of where I scored and take the two edges that have been created and roll up. Shape my croissants and transfer to a baking tray lined with non-stick paper.
  10. Dissolve some molasses in a bowl, with a little milk and brush the croissants with a brush.
  11. Bake for 10 minutes, at 180 degrees with air.

Wild Souls X Veggie Shark

Watch the recipe in action in a video on instagram!

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