Salty, Main Dishes

Butterbeans with Almond Butter


Butterbeans with Almond Butter
Butterbeans with Almond Butter


250 g dry butterbeans
250 g tomato sauce
10 g molasses
2 tbsp Almond Butter
2 tbsp soy yogurt
1 onion
1 glove of garlic
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sweet paprika
10-12 cherry tomatoes
1 large carrot
olive oil


  1. Soak the butterbeans, ideally for 12-15 hours.
  2. Drain them and boil them together with the carrot (cut into slices) until they are soft.
  3. Put some olive oil on the bottom of a non-stick pan.
  4. Chop the onion, put it in our pan and sauté it for a few minutes until it caramelizes.
  5. Add paprika, almond butter and mix.
  6. Add the cherry tomatoes, cover and leave for a while on medium to low heat.
  7. With the puree tool, or with a fork, mash the cherry tomatoes until they become a sauce.
  8. Transfer the butterbeans to the sauce and mix very well.
  9. Add the rest of the tomato sauce, the molasses, mix and let our food simmer for a while longer.
  10. Finally, add the yogurt, mix and leave on a low heat for another 7 minutes, until the sauce sets well and becomes creamy.

Wild Souls X Veggie Shark

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